Sunday, April 5, 2009

new website

this is the new site for me. COme check it out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

instalment 3

Ace stood and cleared his throat, at six inches over six foot and with his classic Greek genes, he was presence that commanded respect no matter where he went. “Okay people, you are probably wondering what you are doing here. As you can see we have people from all over the world here. A multi-national task force is being put together, and your governments have hand selected you people to get it going and you have your first mission.” He paused and waited for the murmuring to stop. He and those above him knew that this wasn’t going to be easy, as most of the people in this room, were sworn enemies, at least their countries were sworn enemies, however they knew that in the coming years the world was going to change and they wanted to be on the ground running when it did.

Alright folks, back to business. We have discovered, or rather it has been brought to our attention, a very disturbing crime ring that needs to be stopped yesterday.” He turned to the screen behind him and watched as a map of the world was brought up. “It has come to our attention that there is an international adoption agency with offices around the world that are adopting stolen babies.” He pointed to the map and watched as dots were put in the countries and cities where the babies were being stolen from. “These are where we have been able to pinpoint an increase in babies disappearing,” he nodded his head and watched as more dots were put up on the map, “these countries have reported an increase in international adoptions.” There were only six countries that lit up. The United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Ireland, and Norway.

“These countries are where we are going to focus,” Ace bent over the table and picked up a folder, he gestured to everybody to open the folders that were in front of them. “As you can see you have been paired up into groups of four. One man, and one woman in each group. You have been paired up based on your country of origin, and some other factors that you don’t need to know about. You will have two weeks to get everything in order, and then you are start this operation.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

instalment 2

Installment 1

Brenna watched him walk in, as much in the dark as Ian, and apparently his partner Cassidy, or as she had known him her entire life Cas. Out of the corner of her eye she had seen that quick look that he had given both her and Ian, Ian just thinking his name her mad. The jerk. After the most amazing four days of her life, four days that changed her life she had thought that they had the beginnings of something, but no while she was sleeping after he had worn her out, the louse had snuck out, and never looked back, no note no nothing. She looked at the seat to her right and noticed the look that her best friend and partner Aislin had sent to Cassidy. Wonder what’s going on there?

Monday, January 19, 2009

part 1

Ian walked into the room and immediately noted all the people in the room. His commanding officer Ace, not that was his real name, no one knows his real name, for as long as Ian had known him he had gone by Ace. He gaze shifted to the others in the room he stopped, Shit, what the hell is going on, and why is she here. He glared at her, as she glared right back at him. The last time he had seen her, he had been walking out the door of the hotel room that they had been holed up in for four days. Four days where they had had at each other every way imaginable. He had never thought that he would see her again, or rather had hoped to never see her again, because he knew something that she didn’t and hadn’t then, she had the power to change his life, to make him walk away from the life that he had, and loved. He walked around the table and took a seat next to his partner Cassidy, he glanced at Cassidy to see if he knew what was going on. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders in answer to the unspoken question that Ian had posed.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I was able to sit down and finally write today. I decided to skip over the scene that has had me blocked for months. I think once I get from there on written I can go back and fill in the scene that I have skipped. I am debating about posting an exerpt from the book on here, but maybe not.